Worship Services Library
We have archived our worship services from both campuses here for your benefit. You may search this library by Subject, Pastor, and Date.
March 9, 2025- First Sunday in LentMarch 9, 2025- First Sunday in LentPastor Paul Finley - "Be The Church: Serve" 03/09/2025
March 8, 2025- First Saturday in LentMarch 8, 2025- First Saturday in LentPastor Paul Finley - "First Saturday in Lent" 03/08/2025
March 1, 2025-Eight Saturday after EpiphanyMarch 1, 2025-Eight Saturday after EpiphanyPastor Paul Finley - "Ressurection Body: Sown in weakness, Raised in Power" 03/01/2025
February 23, 2025-Seventh Sunday after EpiphanyFebruary 23, 2025-Seventh Sunday after EpiphanyPastor Paul Finley - "Christ, the Firstfruits of the Resurrection" 02/23/2025
February 16 2025-Sixth Sunday after EpiphanyFebruary 16 2025-Sixth Sunday after EpiphanyPastor Kevin Sheldon - "Living the Gospel in Community" 02/16/2025
Saturday, February 15, 2025-Sixth Saturday after EpiphanySaturday, February 15, 2025-Sixth Saturday after EpiphanyPastor Kevin Sheldon - "Living the Gospel in Community" 02/15/2025
Sunday, February 9, 2025Sunday, February 9, 2025Pastor Paul Finley- "Living the Gospel in Community" 02/09/2025
Saturday, February 8, 2025-Fifth Saturday after EpiphanySaturday, February 8, 2025-Fifth Saturday after EpiphanyPastor Paul Finley- "Living the Gospel in Community" 02/08/2025
Sunday, February 2, 2025-Fourth Sunday after EpiphanySunday, February 2, 2025-Fourth Sunday after EpiphanyPastor Paul Finley- "The Greatest of These is Love" 02/02/2025
Saturday, February 1, 2025-"Fourth Saturday after Epiphany"Saturday, February 1, 2025-"Fourth Saturday after Epiphany"Pastor Paul Finley 02/01/2025
Sunday January 26, 2025: Third Sunday after Epiphany.Sunday January 26, 2025: Third Sunday after Epiphany.Pastor Paul Finley 1/26/2025
Saturday, January 25, 2025-"Third Saturday after Epiphany"Saturday, January 25, 2025-"Third Saturday after Epiphany"Pastor Paul Finley 1/25/2025
Sunday Service: NEW Sermon Series "Gifts of the Spirit: Unity in Diversity"Sunday Service: NEW Sermon Series "Gifts of the Spirit: Unity in Diversity"Pastor Paul Finley 1/19/2025
Saturday, January 18, 2025-"Gifts of the Spirit: Unity in Diversity"Saturday, January 18, 2025-"Gifts of the Spirit: Unity in Diversity"Pastor Paul Finley 1/18/2025
Sunday, January 12, 2025-"Passing Through the Water"Sunday, January 12, 2025-"Passing Through the Water"Pastor Paul Finley 1/12/2025
Saturday, January 11, 2025-"Baptism of Our Lord/First Saturday after Epiphany"Saturday, January 11, 2025-"Baptism of Our Lord/First Saturday after Epiphany"Pastor Paul Finley- First Saturday after Epiphany 1/11/2025
Second Sunday of Christmas-"Mystery Incarnate"Second Sunday of Christmas-"Mystery Incarnate"Pastor Paul Finley- Sunday Service 1/5/2024
First Sunday of Christmas-"Into Your Present"First Sunday of Christmas-"Into Your Present"Pastor Rob Warren- Sunday Service 12/29/2024
Christmas Eve: The Line to See JesusChristmas Eve: The Line to See JesusPastor Paul Finley- Christmas Eve Service 12/24/2024
Fourth Sunday of Advent December 22, 2024.Fourth Sunday of Advent December 22, 2024.Pastor Paul Finley- Sunday Service 12/22/2024
Third Sunday of Advent December 14, 2024.Third Sunday of Advent December 14, 2024.Pastor Paul Finley- Saturday Service 12/14/2024
Third Sunday of Advent December 15, 2024.Third Sunday of Advent December 15, 2024.Pastor Paul Finley- Saturday Service 12/15/2024
Second Sunday of Advent December 8, 2024.Second Sunday of Advent December 8, 2024.Pastor Paul Finley- Sunday Service 12/08/2024
Second Saturday of Advent December 7, 2024.Second Saturday of Advent December 7, 2024.Pastor Paul Finley- Saturday Service 12/07/2024
Sunday Service: ThanksLiving "First Fruits Giving" Cont'...Sunday Service: ThanksLiving "First Fruits Giving" Cont'...Pastor Paul Finley- Sunday Service 11/24/2024
Sunday Service: ThanksLiving "First Fruits Giving"Sunday Service: ThanksLiving "First Fruits Giving"Pastor Paul Finley- Sunday Service 11/23/2024
Celebration Of Life: Charles Dana "Chuchk" Pereau Oct 2,1926 - Oct 26, 2024.Celebration Of Life: Charles Dana "Chuchk" Pereau Oct 2,1926 - Oct 26, 2024.Memorial Service: Charles Dana Pereau 11/23/2024
Sunday Service: ThanksLiving "An Appropriate Sacrifice"Sunday Service: ThanksLiving "An Appropriate Sacrifice"Pastor Paul Finley- Sunday Service 11/17/2024
Sermon Series: ThanksLiving "An Appropriate Sacrifice"Sermon Series: ThanksLiving "An Appropriate Sacrifice"Pastor Paul Finley- Sunday Service 11/16/2024
Sermon Series: Living the Lord's Prayer- "Lead Us Not Into Temptation "Sermon Series: Living the Lord's Prayer- "Lead Us Not Into Temptation "Pastor Paul Finley- Sunday Service 11/10/2024
Sermon Series: Living the Lord's Prayer- "Forgive As We Forgive"Sermon Series: Living the Lord's Prayer- "Forgive As We Forgive"Pastor Paul Finley- Sunday Service 11/3/2024
Guest Preachers: Dramatic Presentation of Martin and Katarina LutherGuest Preachers: Dramatic Presentation of Martin and Katarina LutherPastor Johan and Sonja Hinderlie 10/20/2024
Sermon Series: "Living the Lord's Prayer" Cont'-Pastor Paul Finley Saturday ServiceSermon Series: "Living the Lord's Prayer" Cont'-Pastor Paul Finley Saturday ServicePastor Paul Finley 10/19/2024
Sermon Series: "Living the Lord's Prayer" "Whose Will Be Done?"-Pastor Paul Finley Sunday ServiceSermon Series: "Living the Lord's Prayer" "Whose Will Be Done?"-Pastor Paul Finley Sunday ServicePastor Paul Finley 10/13/2024
Sermon Series: "Living the Lord's Prayer" "Whose Will Be Done?"-Pastor Paul Finley Saturday ServiceSermon Series: "Living the Lord's Prayer" "Whose Will Be Done?"-Pastor Paul Finley Saturday ServicePastor Paul Finley 10/12/2024
Sermon Series: "Living the Lord's Prayer"-"This Then is How You Should Pray"-Pastor Paul Finley Sunday ServiceSermon Series: "Living the Lord's Prayer"-"This Then is How You Should Pray"-Pastor Paul Finley Sunday ServicePastor Paul Finley 10/06/2024
Sermon Series: "Living the Lord's Prayer"-"This Then is How You Should Pray"-Pastor Paul Finley Saturday ServiceSermon Series: "Living the Lord's Prayer"-"This Then is How You Should Pray"-Pastor Paul Finley Saturday ServicePastor Paul Finley 10/05/2024
Sermon Series: "Life On Mission"-" The Definition"-Pastor Robert Warren Saturday ServiceSermon Series: "Life On Mission"-" The Definition"-Pastor Robert Warren Saturday ServicePastor Robert Warren 9/28/2024
Sermon Series: "Life On Mission"-"Share Jesus"-Pastor Paul Finley Sunday ServiceSermon Series: "Life On Mission"-"Share Jesus"-Pastor Paul Finley Sunday ServicePastor Paul Finley 9/22/2024
Sermon Series: "Life On Mission"-"Share Jesus"-Pastor Paul FinleySermon Series: "Life On Mission"-"Share Jesus"-Pastor Paul FinleyPastor Paul Finley 9/21/2024
Sermon Series: "Life On Mission"-"Live Jesus"-Pastor Paul FinleySermon Series: "Life On Mission"-"Live Jesus"-Pastor Paul FinleyPastor Paul Finley 9/15/2024
New Sermon Series: "Life On Mission"-"Live Jesus"-Pastor Paul FinleyNew Sermon Series: "Life On Mission"-"Live Jesus"-Pastor Paul FinleyPastor Paul Finley 9/14/2024
New Sermon Series: "Life On Mission"-"Go" Guest Speaker- Joel MidthunNew Sermon Series: "Life On Mission"-"Go" Guest Speaker- Joel MidthunJoel Midthun 9/1/2024
New Sermon Series: "Life On Mission"New Sermon Series: "Life On Mission"Pastor Paul Finley 8/31/2024
New Sermon Series: "Great Hymns of the Faith"-"Blessed Assurance"New Sermon Series: "Great Hymns of the Faith"-"Blessed Assurance"Pastor Paul Finley 8/25/2024
New Sermon Series: "Great Hymns of the Faith"-"Blessed Assurance"New Sermon Series: "Great Hymns of the Faith"-"Blessed Assurance"Pastor Paul Finley 8/24/2024
New Sermon Series: "Great Hymns of the Faith"-"We Gather Together"New Sermon Series: "Great Hymns of the Faith"-"We Gather Together"Pastor Paul Finley 8/18/2024
New Sermon Series: "Great Hymns of the Faith"-"I Love to Tell the Story"New Sermon Series: "Great Hymns of the Faith"-"I Love to Tell the Story"Pastor Paul Finley 8/11/2024
New Sermon Series: "Great Hymns of the Faith"-"I Love to Tell the Story"New Sermon Series: "Great Hymns of the Faith"-"I Love to Tell the Story"Pastor Paul Finley 8/10/2024
New Sermon Series: "Great Hymns of the Faith"-"Now Thank We All Our God"New Sermon Series: "Great Hymns of the Faith"-"Now Thank We All Our God"Pastor Paul Finley 8/4/2024
New Sermon Series: "Great Hymns of the Faith"-"Now Thank We All Our God"New Sermon Series: "Great Hymns of the Faith"-"Now Thank We All Our God"Pastor Paul Finley 7/28/2024
New Sermon Series: "Great Hymns of the Faith"-"Great is Thy Faithfulness"New Sermon Series: "Great Hymns of the Faith"-"Great is Thy Faithfulness"Pastor Paul Finley 7/28/2024
New Sermon Series: "Great Hymns of the Faith"-"Lift High The Cross"New Sermon Series: "Great Hymns of the Faith"-"Lift High The Cross"Pastor Rob Warren 7/14/2024
New Sermon Series: "Great Hymns of the Faith"-"Amazing Grace"New Sermon Series: "Great Hymns of the Faith"-"Amazing Grace"Pastor Paul Finley 7/14/2024
New Sermon Series: "Great Hymns of the Faith"-"Amazing Grace"New Sermon Series: "Great Hymns of the Faith"-"Amazing Grace"Pastor Paul Finley 7/13/2024
New Sermon Series: "Great Hymns of the Faith"-Proclaiming The Gospel Through Song-Battle Hymn of the RepublicNew Sermon Series: "Great Hymns of the Faith"-Proclaiming The Gospel Through Song-Battle Hymn of the RepublicPastor Paul Finley 6/30/2024
New Sermon Series: "Great Hymns of the Faith"-Proclaiming The Gospel Through SongNew Sermon Series: "Great Hymns of the Faith"-Proclaiming The Gospel Through SongPastor Paul Finley 6/30/2024
New Sermon Series: "Great Hymns of the Faith"- "A Mighty Fortress is our God" Featuring JuBellation ChoirNew Sermon Series: "Great Hymns of the Faith"- "A Mighty Fortress is our God" Featuring JuBellation ChoirPastor Paul Finley 6/30/2024
New Sermon Series: "Great Hymns of the Faith"New Sermon Series: "Great Hymns of the Faith"Pastor Kevin Sheldon 6/23/2024
Sermon Series: "God is..."-"God is Life"Sermon Series: "God is..."-"God is Life"Pastor Kevin Sheldon 6/23/2024
Sermon Series: "God is..."-"God is Father"-Happy Father's Day!Sermon Series: "God is..."-"God is Father"-Happy Father's Day!Pastor Kevin Sheldon 6/16/2024
NEW Sermon Series: "God is..."-"God is Father"NEW Sermon Series: "God is..."-"God is Father"Pastor Paul Finley 6/9/2024
NEW Sermon Series: "God is..."-"God is Love"NEW Sermon Series: "God is..."-"God is Love"Pastor Paul Finley 6/9/2024
NEW Sermon Series: "God is..."-"God is Love"NEW Sermon Series: "God is..."-"God is Love"Pastor Paul Finley 6/8/2024
NEW Sermon Series: "God is..."-"God is Guide"NEW Sermon Series: "God is..."-"God is Guide"Pastor Paul Finley 6/1/2024
NEW Sermon Series: "God Is...": "God Is Light"NEW Sermon Series: "God Is...": "God Is Light"Pastor Kevin Sheldon 5/26/2024
Spring Training: Growing Together as Team Jesus: "Play Ball"Spring Training: Growing Together as Team Jesus: "Play Ball"Pastor Paul Finley 5/19/2024
Spring Training: Growing Together as Team Jesus: "Encouragement and Direction"Spring Training: Growing Together as Team Jesus: "Encouragement and Direction"Pastor Paul Finley 5/11/2024
Spring Training: Growing Together as Team Jesus: "Learning From Losses"Spring Training: Growing Together as Team Jesus: "Learning From Losses"Pastor Paul Finley 4/27/2024
Spring Training: Growing Together as Team Jesus: "Taking the Wins"Spring Training: Growing Together as Team Jesus: "Taking the Wins"Pastor Paul Finley 4/21/2024
Spring Training: Growing Together as Team Jesus: "All for One"Spring Training: Growing Together as Team Jesus: "All for One"Pastor Paul Finley 4/14/2024
Spring Training: Growing Together as Team JesusSpring Training: Growing Together as Team JesusPastor Kevin Sheldon 4/6/2024
The Bible's Big Questions: Is Jesus God?The Bible's Big Questions: Is Jesus God?Pastor Paul Finley 3/23/2024
The Bible's Big Questions: Do Miracles Still Happen?The Bible's Big Questions: Do Miracles Still Happen?Pastor Paul Finley 3/9/2024
The Bible's Big Questions: Do I have to Forgive and Forget?The Bible's Big Questions: Do I have to Forgive and Forget?Pastor Paul Finley 3/2/2024
The Bible's Big Questions: "If God is Good, Why is There Evil and Suffering?"The Bible's Big Questions: "If God is Good, Why is There Evil and Suffering?"Pastor Paul Finley 2/24/2024
The Bigger Story: The Thrill of Hope 4: "Hope Wins"The Bigger Story: The Thrill of Hope 4: "Hope Wins"Pastor Paul Finley 12/24/2023
The Bigger Story: The Thrill of Hope 3: "New Heaven And New Earth."The Bigger Story: The Thrill of Hope 3: "New Heaven And New Earth."Pastor Paul Finley 12/16/2023
The Bigger Story: The Thrill of Hope 2: "Now and Not Yet."The Bigger Story: The Thrill of Hope 2: "Now and Not Yet."Pastor Paul Finley 12/10/2023
The Bigger Story: The Thrill of Hope 1; "Great Expectations"The Bigger Story: The Thrill of Hope 1; "Great Expectations"Pastor Paul Finley 12/2/2023
The Bigger Story: WISDOM- " Relational Wisdom"The Bigger Story: WISDOM- " Relational Wisdom"Pastor Kevin Sheldon 11/26/2023
The Bigger Story: WISDOM- "Godly Wisdom"The Bigger Story: WISDOM- "Godly Wisdom"Pastor Paul Finley 11/18/2023
The Bigger Story Live: "Live to Give"The Bigger Story Live: "Live to Give"Pastor Paul Finley 08/27/2023
The Bigger Story Colossians: "Live to Forgive"The Bigger Story Colossians: "Live to Forgive"Pastor Paul Finley 08/19/2023
Nicholas Neaimi-Pour Celebration of Life 08-15-2023Nicholas Neaimi-Pour Celebration of Life 08-15-202308/15/2023
Duane and Marilyn Smith Celebration of Life 08-12-2023Duane and Marilyn Smith Celebration of Life 08-12-2023Pastor Paul Finley 08/12/2023
The Bigger Story: Fulfillment: SurrenderedThe Bigger Story: Fulfillment: SurrenderedPastor Paul Finley 3/28/23
The Bigger Story: Fulfillment: SurrenderedThe Bigger Story: Fulfillment: SurrenderedPastor Paul Finley 3/28/23
Victim to Victor: Joseph as a Type of ChristVictim to Victor: Joseph as a Type of ChristPastor Paul Anderson 3/5/23
Victim to Victor: Joseph as a Type of ChristVictim to Victor: Joseph as a Type of ChristPastor Paul Anderson 2/19/23
The Bigger Story: Fulfillment; MessiahThe Bigger Story: Fulfillment; MessiahPastor Daniel Hollenbeck 2/26/23
The Bigger Story: Journey; PromiseThe Bigger Story: Journey; PromisePastor Daniel Hollenbeck 1/22/23
The Bigger Story: Beginnings 1: FallThe Bigger Story: Beginnings 1: FallPastor Paul Finley 1/15/23
The Bigger Story: Beginnings 2: FallThe Bigger Story: Beginnings 2: FallPastor Paul Finley 1/15/23
The Bigger Story: Beginnings 1: CreationThe Bigger Story: Beginnings 1: CreationPastor Paul Finley 1/8/22
I'll Be Home for Christmas: Gifting and ReceivingI'll Be Home for Christmas: Gifting and ReceivingPastor Kevin Sheldon 12/18/22
I'll Be Home for Christmas: Gifting and ReceivingI'll Be Home for Christmas: Gifting and ReceivingPastor Paul Finley 12/18/22
I'll Be Home for Christmas: WelcomeI'll Be Home for Christmas: WelcomePastor Kevin Sheldon 12/11/22
I'll Be Home for Christmas: InvitingI'll Be Home for Christmas: InvitingPastor Kevin Sheldon 12/4/22
I'll Be Home for Christmas: InvitingI'll Be Home for Christmas: InvitingPastor Paul Finley 12/4/22
I'll Be Home for Christmas: PreparingI'll Be Home for Christmas: PreparingPastor Kevin Sheldon 11/27/22
I'll Be Home for Christmas: PreparingI'll Be Home for Christmas: PreparingPastor Kevin Sheldon 11/27/22
People of Song: Permission to LamentPeople of Song: Permission to LamentPastor Kevin Sheldon 11/13/22
People of Song: Permission to LamentPeople of Song: Permission to LamentPastor Paul Finley 11/13/22
People of Song: The Melody of the CrossPeople of Song: The Melody of the CrossPastor Rob Warren 11/6/22
People of Song: The Melody of the CrossPeople of Song: The Melody of the CrossPastor Rob Warren 11/6/22
People of Prayer: Expanding InfluencesPeople of Prayer: Expanding InfluencesPastor Kevin Sheldon 10/23/22
People of Prayer: Expanding InfluencePeople of Prayer: Expanding InfluencePastor Paul Finley 10/23/22
People of Prayer: In the Face of Noisy and BusyPeople of Prayer: In the Face of Noisy and BusyPastor Kevin Sheldon 10/9/22
People of Prayer: In the Face of Noisy and BusyPeople of Prayer: In the Face of Noisy and BusyPastor Kevin Sheldon 10/9/22
Proverbial Wisdom For The Game of LifeProverbial Wisdom For The Game of LifePastor Kevin Sheldon 8/7/22
Beneath the surface, Idol Thoughts Part 7: Easter SundayBeneath the surface, Idol Thoughts Part 7: Easter SundayPastor Kevin Sheldon 4/17/22
Beneath the surface, Idol Thoughts Part 6Beneath the surface, Idol Thoughts Part 6Pastor Kevin Sheldon 4/10/22
Beneath the Surface: Idol Thoughts Part 5Beneath the Surface: Idol Thoughts Part 5Daniel Hollenbeck 4/3/22
Beneath the surface, Idol Thoughts Part 4Beneath the surface, Idol Thoughts Part 4Pastor Kevin Sheldon 3/27/22
Beneath the surface, Idol Thoughts Part 2Beneath the surface, Idol Thoughts Part 2Pastor Kevin Sheldon 3/13/22
1st Century Church, 21st Century Problems Part 41st Century Church, 21st Century Problems Part 4Pastor Kevin Sheldon 2/27/22
1st Century Church, 21st Century Problems Part 31st Century Church, 21st Century Problems Part 3Pastor Kevin Sheldon 2/13/22
1st Century Church, 21st Century Problems Part 21st Century Church, 21st Century Problems Part 2Pastor Kevin Sheldon 1/30/22
1st Century Church, 21st Century Problems1st Century Church, 21st Century ProblemsPastor Kevin Sheldon 1/16/21
Gentle and Lowly: While We Were Still SinnersGentle and Lowly: While We Were Still SinnersPastor Kevin Sheldon 11/28/21
Christ the King "His Kingdom is Not of this World"Christ the King "His Kingdom is Not of this World"Pastor Leland Lantz 11/21/21
Gentle and Lowly: Sermon series Part 3Gentle and Lowly: Sermon series Part 3Pastor Kevin Sheldon 11/7/21
Gentle and Lowly, What Makes Jesus Tick?Gentle and Lowly, What Makes Jesus Tick?Pastor Kevin Sheldon 10/31/21
Relationship-Relationship-Relationship!Relationship-Relationship-Relationship!Pastor Leland Lantz 10/3/21
Back To School Series- Spiritual DisciplineBack To School Series- Spiritual DisciplinePastor Kevin Sheldon 9/26/21
Back To School Series- What's Worship?Back To School Series- What's Worship?Pastor Kevin Sheldon 9/19/21
Shephard Training-The Beginning of LifeShephard Training-The Beginning of LifePastor Leland Lantz 7/18/21
Incomplete Thinking Leads to Incomplete ConclusionsIncomplete Thinking Leads to Incomplete ConclusionsPastor Kevin Sheldon 3/21/21
Finding Forgiveness, Feeling ForgivenFinding Forgiveness, Feeling ForgivenPastor Roger Marsh 1/17/21
The Gospel, This is Most Certainly TrueThe Gospel, This is Most Certainly TruePastor Leland Lantz 10/25/20
May 24, 2020 Seventh Sunday of Easter WorshipMay 24, 2020 Seventh Sunday of Easter Worship
April 26, 2020 Third Sunday of Easter WorshipApril 26, 2020 Third Sunday of Easter Worship
April 19, 2020 Second Sunday of Easter WorshipApril 19, 2020 Second Sunday of Easter Worship
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