

Men's Ministry

Saturday morning breakfast each month brings special guest speakers and great discussions.


Women's Ministry

We have an active women's ministry. From Bible studies specifically for women to special events. There is also a yearly retreat where we gather for time together.


Senior's Ministry

We are blessed to be located in the heart of one of the largest retirement areas in the world. This is one of the great things about this church. While we do have some specific programs for our senior members, what is really special is how they participate in everything. It is this mixing of generations that brings a certain richness to this church. Whether it is singing in the choir, participating in Bible study, teaching Sunday School, or attending worship we have such a blessing in having these saints here in God's church.

Senior Food Ministry

One of the most challenging issues in our community is seniors that don't have enough resources to get adequate food to eat. This is why we have started a food distribution program for people 60 or older.

We distribute food at our Laguna Woods Campus the 1st and 3rd Thursday from 9 - 10 AM in our sanctuary. Your position in line is determined by random drawing so there is no need to come super early.

The only criteria are that the Senior selecting groceries should be 60 or older. Please bring bags and/or a hand cart to carry your selections.

If you want to help in volunteering, or you know someone who may benefit from this program please contact one of the program leaders.


Senior Programs

Here are just a few of the ministries offered at our Laguna Woods campus:

Senior Day Out: This event happens almost every Tuesday. We start with singing your favorite hymns and praise songs along with devotions and prayer. We then eat a delicious, home-cooked meal that truly is the best deal in town. During the mealtime, we will have occasional programs ranging from musical entertainment to speakers on relevant topics of interest.

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